CNC Machined RC Thread And NPT Thread

RC thread is a 55 degree inch sealed internal taper thread.

55-degree inch sealed cylindrical internal thread characteristic code: Rp

55-degree inch sealed internal taper thread characteristic code: Rc

55-degree inch sealed tapered external thread characteristic code: R1 (used in conjunction with the inch sealed cylindrical internal thread)

R2 (used in conjunction with the inch sealed internal taper thread)

For sealing pipe threads, RP/R1 stands for cylindrical/taper thread. RC/R2 stands for “taper/taper” thread.

NPT thread is a kind of American standard 60-degree taper pipe thread, divided into general sealed cylindrical pipe thread and general sealed cone pipe thread, with “taper/taper” fit, “cylindrical/taper” fit.

Complete marking of American general sealing pipe threads: thread characteristic code, thread size code and screw direction code.

American general sealed taper pipe thread characteristic code: NPT

American general sealed cylindrical internal thread characteristic code: NPSC

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