Electroplating Process for CNC Machining

Electroplating is the process of plating a thin layer other metals or alloys on the surface of some metals by the electrolysis principle, is the use of electrolysis to make the metal surface or other material parts adhesion to a layer of metal film process, so as to prevent metal oxidation (such as corrosion), improve wear resistance, electrical conductivity, reflective, corrosion resistance (copper sulfate, etc.) and improve the appearance and other functions.

Electroplating process generally includes pretreatment before plating, plating and plating after treatment of three stages.

Incompletion Procedures:

  1. acid leaching → all-plate copper plating → pattern transfer → acidic degreasing → secondary countercurrent rinsing → microetching → secondary acid leaching → tin plating → secondary countercurrent rinsing
  2. countercurrent rinsing → acid leaching → pattern copper plating → secondary countercurrent rinsing → nickel plating → secondary rinse → leaching citric acid → gold plating → recovery →2-3 grade pure rinse → drying
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