The Processing Method Of Chamfering And Its Function

The processing methods of chamfering are: turning tool machining, drill bit machining, profile broach, milling cutter machining, brush polishing.

The general purpose of chamfering is to remove burrs and make them beautiful. But for the chamfer specially point out in the drawing, generally it is the requirement of the installation process, such as the bearing mounting guide, and some arc chamfering (or circular arc transition) can also reduce the stress concentration and strengthen the strength of shaft parts. In addition, it can make assembly easy, generally before the end of the processing.

The summary is as follows:

  • Bearing steel must be chamfered in rough machining before heat treatment, in this way, when the material is heat treated, the stress wil be released, the internal structure will be redistributed, and the crack will not appear easily and reducing distortion. Chamfering can solve the problem of stress concentration.
  • Chamfering and deburring make the product unsharp and will not cut the user.
  • It has guiding and positioning function during assembly.
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