Thread Measurement after CNC Machining

Thread is widely used in CNC machining components, and it plays an important role in mechanical connection and transmission. So thread measurement after CNC machining is very important.


After production completed, the most common method used by our QC department, is to use the standard thread gauge to test whether the thread is qualified.


Internal thread detection

– Use the thread plug gauge. Test the internal thread with the thread plug gauge, pass through the GO end, and not pass completely through the NOGO end, the internal thread is machined qualified.


External thread detection

– Use the thread ring gauge. Test the external thread via the thread ring gauge, screw the full length of the thread in a free state, the external thread is machined qualified.


Comprehensive rules for the use of thread gauge


No Function Measuring Tool Usage Rule Test Result
1 Internal thread detection Testing the thread minor diameter plug gauge- GO END pass through  
2 plug gauge- NOGO END not pass through  
3 Testing the major and pitch diameter thread plug gauge- GO END screw pass through  
4 Testing the pitch diameter thread plug gauge- NOGO END not screw pass completely through  
5 External thread detection Testing the major diameter ring gauge- GO END pass through  
6 ring gauge- NOGO END not pass through  
7 Testing the minor and pitch diameter thread ring gauge- GO END screw pass through  
8 Testing the pitch diameter thread ring gauge- NOGO END not screw pass completely through  


All the products will be shipped only after they pass the inspection, that is what we have been insisting on doing.

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