Types and Applications of Electroplating

Electroplating is divided into hanging plating, rolling plating, continuous plating and brush plating, mainly related to the size and batch of products.

Hanging plating is suitable for general size products, such as car bumpers, bicycle handlebars, etc.

Roll plating is suitable for small parts, fasteners, washers, pins, etc.

Continuous plating is suitable for mass production of wire and strip.

Brush plating is suitable for local plating or repair.

According to the type of coating: single metal coating has zinc, cadmium, copper, nickel, chromium, tin, silver, gold, iron, cobalt and other more than a dozen. Alloy coating has copper-tin, zinc-copper, zinc-iron, nickel-cobalt, nickel-iron, zinc-tin-iron, tin-zinc-antimony, tin-zinc-cobalt and so on dozens of kinds.

By purpose:

  • Prevent corrosion: such as steel workpiece, zinc plating, cadmium plating.
  • Decorative electroplating: such as steel workpiece, general use of Copper-Nickel-Chromium or low tin bronze-chromium and other multilayer electroplating. It is widely used in various mechanical products, instrument, medical instruments and daily necessities.
  • Improve surface hardness and wear resistance: such as mould plating hard chromium.
  • Improve the conductive performance of the workpiece: such as copper and copper alloys, silver plating or gold plating.
  • Improve magnetic conductive performance: such as plating nickel-iron alloy, nickel-cobalt alloy, etc.
  • Improve light reflection performance: such as silver plating, decorative chromium plating.
  • Applied to thermal processing: such as copper plating to prevent local carburization, tin plating to prevent local nitriding, etc.
  • Repair workpiece size: such as iron, chromium plating.
  • Other applications: such as lead plating can improve the performance of resistance to sulfuric acid or chromic acid. Brass plating increases the adhesiveness of steel and rubber in hot pressing. Tin plating of copper and its alloys can improve their welding properties.
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