What is Laser Cutting + Bending?

Laser cutting is the use of focused high power and density laser beam irradiation to the work piece, so that the irradiated material will be rapidly melting, vaporization, ablation or reaching the ignition point, and at the same time, using the high-speed airflow which coaxial with the beam, to blow away the molten material, so as to cut the work piece. So laser cutting is one method of hot cutting.

Since the laser spot is very small, and with high energy density and fast cutting speed, laser cutting can reach a better cutting quality. In addition, laser cutting has the advantages of high cutting efficiency and fast cutting speed.

The maximum thickness of laser cutting for different materials is also different:
Stainless Steel: The maximum cutting thickness is 10mm;
Steel: The maximum cutting thickness is 20mm;
Aluminium: The maximum cutting thickness is 6mm.

After the workpiece completing laser cutting, it will be bended by the CNC bending machine, according to the customizing demand of the customer.

And the common tolerance of our bending products we can reach is: Bending angle tolerance is +/- 2°, dimension tolerance is +/-0.3mm.

For the laser cutting + bending parts, we also have no minimum order quantity limit, but as the same as the CNC machining parts, if quantity is higher, the unit manufacturing cost will be lower. Usually, for our laser cutting+ bending components, we do brush finish after laser cutting + bending, to make the surface of the components to be better. So our laser cutting + bending components also have great competitive quality with reasonable price.

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